Top 5 Reasons to Have Ductwork Cleaned After a Kitchen Fire

Even though a kitchen fire may not have been destructive, you should still ensure everything's functioning properly afterward. Unfortunately, inspecting and cleaning ductwork is often forgotten or neglected.

We'll review some critical reasons to have the ductwork cleaned after a kitchen fire.

Eliminate smoke odors

Even after cleaning the kitchen thoroughly, you still might smell the smoke. Many people leave the windows open for days, but the smell doesn't disappear. This typically happens because the smoke gets trapped inside the ductwork.

A simple test can confirm this. If the odor gets stronger when the HVAC system works, the smoke is stuck there. Clean the ductwork and get rid of the smoke odors for good.

Prevent debris buildup

Numerous particles and debris can get stuck in the ductwork after the fire and the subsequent restoration. Ash, soot, and sawdust could settle in the ducts and circulate into the air once you turn the HVAC system on. Breathing in these particles for an extended period could cause throat irritation, allergies, and other health problems.

Keep in mind that these particles may be invisible in lower concentrations. For this reason, it's essential to have the ductwork cleaned and ensure the air is fresh and safe.

Get rid of mold

Kitchen fires often cause mold to grow in the ductwork. Excess moisture left over from the event can reach the vents. The ductwork becomes a perfect area for mold development when moisture seeps in. Even if you didn't use water to fight the fire, the ductwork could still be moist due to condensation.

Besides smelling bad, mold can cause numerous respiratory problems such as allergies, irritations, and even asthma attacks.

Decreased airflow

Many people notice the HVAC system has become less efficient after a kitchen fire. This is often caused by contaminants blocking the airflow and affecting its quality. If you noticed a decrease in airflow, something might be stuck in the ductwork. Get it inspected and cleaned as soon as possible to prevent breakage and damage.

Remove air gaps

Another reason why you should clean the ductwork after a kitchen fire is to remove potential air gaps. Namely, the restoration process after a fire typically involves drilling, hammering, and using other power tools. The vibrations from these tools can cause the ducts to separate, resulting in lower airflow and higher energy losses.

Professional duct cleaning services use special cameras that inspect the ductwork and identify air gaps.

Leave all ductwork inspection and cleaning to the professionals

Unmaintained and clogged ductwork could impose a severe safety and health problem, especially after a kitchen fire. Even without any apparent signs of ductwork damage or obstruction, it's never a bad idea to reach out to professionals and have it inspected. An experienced team can examine it and recommend potential repairs.

3D Carpet Cleaning and Restoration offers home service cleaning and sanitation, air duct cleaning, and 24-hour flood service in Tampa & South Florida. Call (813) 833-4126 today!


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